With the couplet Ciutat de Granollers.
The sardana is a popular Catalan dance considered the national dance of Catalonia. It is a collective dance danced by men and women holding hands forming a circle, and tapping with their feet the bars of the music played by the couplet. The name can refer to both dance and music.
To dance the sardana, an undetermined number of dancers form a circle holding hands and facing the center, dancing to the right and left with a fairly stable tempo, with an often slow and concentrated air, in some moments more animated. The components of the circle should preferably be male-female couples, but only a minimum of two people holding hands is required to consider that they have already created a circle. The sardana is a non-exclusive dance, so anyone and at any moment of the dance can join individually or as a couple in the circle.
Organized by: Agrupació Sardanista la Garriga