
Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

  • Activity language: Catalan

Visites guiades i activitats per a descobrir el llegat de l’arquitecte Manuel J. Raspall

Organitza: Ajuntament de la Garriga amb el Centre de Visitants

  • Language of Catalan poetry

"Emparaulant la vida" is a poetry recital and a concert at the same time. The artist Silvia Bel. accompanied by three musicians, invites the viewer to enjoy the balanced fusion of music and poetry.

On this occasion, he will present the show Emparaulant la vida Cine Alhambra de la Garriga.


Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 11h.

Més de 100 metres de galeries subterrànies foradades a la roca, testimoni del treball col·lectiu de tot un poble per fer front a l'amenaça dels bombardeigs feixistes que va patir la Garriga durant la Guerra Civil espanyola.


At 7 p.m


Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

At 8 p.m. and at 10 p.m

  • Location: Strogoff Bookstore - €10
  • Tribute to Marianne Brull, in the Best Festivals
  • Joni Sigil and Vasco Trilla are two high-level avant-garde musicians in the improvisation scene, resident in Barcelona. the duo explores new ways of generating sound and energy through elements of percussion, friction and vibration.
  • Joni Sigil: drums
  • Vasco Trilla: drums and percussion.


At 5.30 p.m., Planting of Giants of the XXXIII Garriga Giant Gathering in Can Dachs Square.
• At 6 p.m., Parade of Giants, from Plaça de Can Dachs, along c. of the Center, c. Calabria, c. St. Ramón, c. Cardedeu, c. Our Lady of Health, Passeig, c. the Mine, c. Baths, up to Plaça de l'Esglesia.

  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 19 h

The Saligarda Jazz-Vent is the Jazz or Big Band orchestra, of the Josep Aymerich Municipal School of Music in La Garriga and is made up entirely of young people between 15 and 21 years old, students and former students of the School of Music, and directed by Jordi Bargalló, teacher of the same school.